Monday, May 3, 2010

Updates From the Land of the Living Dead

Well, technically, I'm not dead, but I don't suppose I'm exactly living, either... at least not technically.  Either way, I've been away from the blog for a while, so now seems like a decent opportunity to play a little catch-up with a quick update.

Quite a few of the shots that will be appearing in my demo reel and print portfolio have been composed and are in the process of rendering and printing.  I don't have new video to post yet, as I haven't cut together the latest sequences to come back from rendering, but I do have a portfolio shot to share.  This is close to final.  A few tweaks to the lighting, and a correction in the logo in the lower right corner, and this particular comp should be good to go:

In other news, I recently modeled another interior sci-fi environment for my 3d class to light and compose camera shots.  A lot of them came out pretty well.

This one comes courtesy of Carl Ashman:

And this shot of the same scene, from Tracy Hartfill:

And last, but not least, another student found a 3d tutorial this weekend that he thought was pretty cool, but couldn't get it to work.  I agreed it was cool, but figured I could do better.  This is the result:

Lots of displacement mapping, lens effects, and render effects going on there.  I have other, more complicated compositions with nebulae and space ships, but this is the shot the planet came out best in.

Day by day (or is it week by week or month by month?) I'm inching towards the completion of my demo and portfolio overhaul.  Rendering times are really killing me.  But I am hopeful of having updates posted soon, and a final cut of everything by later this summer.

Stay tuned for individual updates before the final package is assembled!

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