Friday, September 6, 2013

Summer Camp Interior First Shot

Here's the first test render of the Summer Camp interior.  Most of the textures are for testing purposes, and are not complete.  For instance, I am probably going to turn the floor texture 90 degrees, desaturate and darken the wood, and lighten the dirt layer.  The boards on the interior walls need the detail re-done and don't have displacement and bump mapping on them yet.

But, I am pretty close to done.  The furnishings are being provided by Jon Ehrmantraut and my shitty stand-in character is being replaced by Aaron Jones, who is sculpting a custom morph in zbrush.

I'm still on track to have my portion complete by Monday.  The gang is meeting on Wednesday to compare notes.  I'd like to have this one ready for submission by a week from Monday.  Fingers crossed.

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