Monday, June 28, 2010

Gone Sailing

Sometimes I like to sit down and just fiddle around with 3ds Max and try out new techniques.  I guess that's my version of doodling.  Doodles usually don't see the light of day, and usually end up just getting deleted.  I thought I'd throw up a shot of this one, though, since I think it's kinda neat.

I'm sure there are some old salts out there ready to read me the riot act for my half-assed rigging.  I've never even been on a sailboat, let alone sailed one, and since this is just a doodle, I didn't really give it any of the due diligence an actual project would get (ie, I didn't look up much, if anything, and didn't really use reference pictures).

The entire thing is spline modeled.  The hull was lofted, and I'm pretty happy with the way it came out, compared to building a spline cage and using a surface modifier.  I used a cloth modifier and some space warps on the sails.

Anyhoo, it is what it is.  I'm posting a screenshot rather than a render, since the flat gray really doesn't look like much.  Enjoy!

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